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or Email Paula


What to expect

Reflexology is a non-invasive and relaxing therapy. The feet are mainly worked on but sometimes the lower leg and hands can be incorporated into the treatment. The most clothing you will have to remove is socks and shoes. It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothes, so that you can relax more easily.

During your first visit, I will conduct a consultation. This usually takes about 15-30 minutes and is to help establish what your main reason for seeking reflexology is and if there are any reasons why this might not be appropriate for you. If the latter, I would seek advice and suggest the relevant referral. All information recorded will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will remain totally confidential.

Once the consultation is complete, you will get ready for your session of reflexology. My treatment room is set in a calming environment with soft music, candles and a comfortable reclining chair to help complement the holistic approach to reflexology.

A full reflexology session usually lasts 60 minutes. The first few minutes consist of relaxing massage strokes to calm you and prepare the feet. I will then use a thumb-walking technique to apply firm, but not painful, pressure to key areas of your feet in a specific order. You may feel areas of transient discomfort during the treatment but generally the experience should be relaxing.

Many clients feel so relaxed that they drift into a light sleep. For others, it is a chance to chat and discuss how they feel. Either way is perfectly fine. When your sesssion is complete, I may recommend a course of reflexology sessions but this is something we would discuss and is of course entirely your choice.

Reflexology is a very individual treatment which works for you holistically, so it is not possible to know in advance how you will react. Most people note a feeling of well-being and relaxation. However, sometimes people report feeling symptoms of headache, localised muscular pain, tiredness and thirst – this is usually transitory and Reflexologists believe that it is part of the healing process as the body releases toxins and waste products. After Reflexology, to assist your body gain the maximum benefit, get plenty of rest and try to drink plenty of water (this helps flush out toxins). if you feel the need to sleep then allow yourself to do so.

Any post treatment feedback is very important to me and will assist me to tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs.